Saturday, April 17, 2010


Well Paris has turned out to be even better then I remembered, it truly is a beautiful city. And seeing Paris through Laurence's eyes has truly been a wonderful treat, he is like a small boy in a candy store.

Our apartment is right in the middle of the Marais district, a short walk to Notre Dame Cathedral, and it is full of trendy shops and bars, a real lively place at night, but it has a real community feel and not very touristy which is great. The apartment is very small but adequate for our needs, I am sure the building is over 200 years old and it is leaning towards the road and the floor are very uneven, but it is all good.

The first day we walked all through the heart of Paris starting with a tour of Notre Dame to the Tuilleires Gardens, to Hotel de Invalidde to the tower itself. In fact I convinced Laurence to go all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, we did stairs the first two stages and elevator the last. I am too dutch to pay for the elevator all the way. It was a very clear day and we could see for ever but very cold up top and Laurence was very uncomfortable with the height.

Eiffel Tower

Then we went on to the Arc de Triumph and down the Champs Elysees to some very good shopping. In fact the shopping here is fantastic it is taking everything we have not to start buying things and sending them home.

Yesterday we spent the day at the Louvre and only saw about a third of this enourmous museum, It takes a lot of time when Laurence seems to be taking pics of every piece of art in the place. In fact he took over 900 pictures inside the museum alone. And that does include pictures of Maphew with famous art pieces. We did see Venice de Milo and Mona but we still have so much more to see but after 7 hours of looking at art you need to stop and get some beer. But it was a real joy to see the art through Laurence's trained eye, I have a whole new appreciation for great art and sculpture.

the Louvre

My high school french is slowly coming back to me and have been able to use it when ordering food and services. The people here have been very warm and once you try a little french they help you along. And the food here is great but not nearly as fatting as back in Holland, so hopefully with all this walking we will loose the dutch pounds.


  1. Cute Maphew!!! Did he get woozy on the Eifel tower?? Thanks for posting some photos!

  2. I love how you guys have that doggy in all the pictures! Cute.

  3. The Paris info is great so far. I can't wait to go in June and soak it all up.
