Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fontainebleu and Mont Saint-Michael

Having been having a great time here in Paris walking around and seeing the sites and enjoying the food and drink.  But to break it up we have done two road trips to see some wonderful sites outsite of Paris.

Front view of Fountainebleu

First we went to Fountainebleu the summer palace of the french royal family about an hour outside of Paris.  The palace was deceiving when you first arrive and did not seem very large from the public entrance, but once inside it proved to be huge and impressive.  A lot of the state rooms are still fully furnished in the grand style of the time including alot or changes made by Napoleon himself to accomodate his needs.  And of course the gardens were huge and beautiful designed in the very traditional french style.

Of the many paintings we saw

We spent another full day in the Louvre finishing off what we started to make sure Laurence saw the entire collection of art.  I can now can distiguish between  styles of art periods and areas, from Rubens large format grand french style to the dark shadows of the dutch masters such as Vermeer and Rembrandt.  It has been very educational for me and Laurence is in is absolute glory.

Mont Saint-Michael one of the most amazing wonders

Then yesterday went off to Mont Saint-Michael a most impressive Cathedral and village built on an island in the english channel.  This most impressive site started construction in 708 AD and took several hundred of years to complete.  It was once an abbey and a site for religious pilgrimage and an awe inspiring site to see for sure.  Both Laurence and I were amazed with the structure and the history of the church.  It has been a highlight to my world travels for sure and in the same category as the temples of Angkor Wat.  This is a site all should see if they are heading in this direction.

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