Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amsterdam 1

Canal View

This is such a great city to explore, around ever corner and canal there is something great to see or do. The city is much larger than I ever imagined and jam packed full of people on bikes running you down, It takes a whole new skill trying to figure out how to cross the streets here as there a pedestrians, bikes, cars and trams all n the same street. But we are getting the hang of it and have been able to navigate our way through the streets like a pro now.

Our first morning we went off to the Hermitage Museum, and saw an incredible art show called Matisse to Malcovich. Laurence was in his glory looking at the art of all the masters from Matisse to Picasso. Then we cut through the red light district, and saw the girls on the way to catch a bus to Kuekenhof (the tulip garden) It was beautiful to see the hundreds of varities of tulips and flowers, the garden is huge and we spent 3 hours aimlessly walking through the beautiful park. And today we went to the van Gogh museum, Rembrandt's House and the Royal Palace, I have now received so much culture in one day, I think my head will explode soon.

Spring Blooms

We have managed to get into some of the dutch treats as well, we had pofferjes, stroop cookies (still warm), brootjes with gehak and pannekoeka (please excuse my dutch spelling). It has all been good and I am sure along with the good beer I will be putting on weight. We even tried absinthe last night (the green fairy) which gave us both a bit of a buzz on an empty stomach. One of those things you do once but proably not again.

The people here have been very friendly to say the least and Laurence has been able to chat with someone other than just me. In fact the we have both joked about moving here, we really do like it, it's like I have returned home to the mother country.

Welcom. In Holland Maphew say: hoe meer mensen, hoe meer vreugde.

Tonight going to hit the happy hour time and then roam the streets at night to see the sites as well as some more of the good food here.

Tot ziens

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