Tuesday, April 6, 2010

London 2

Wow London was awesome and went by so very fast. We were up early every morning catching the sites and not home until late. London is definitely the land of the queue, you queue for everything there and the sites were very crowded for sure. But we loved every minute of it, and enjoyed watching the crowds and getting into the pace of London. We have now mastered the art of taking the tube every where, however easter weekend in London was not the best idea ever, as they shut down half the routes for repair and all the trains are packed.

We toured the major museums The Tate Modern, The British Museum, the Portrait Gallery and the V and A. All of which were magnificent and HUGE. You need at least two days to do each and then you still get sensory overload. But it was amazing and Laurence was in his glory...

Tower London

We walked too much in London we both have sore feet now, but we saw the London Eye, Parliament Buildings, Tower London, Tower Bridge and of course the two churches St Paul's and Westminister. Again mere words can not descibe the impact of seeing these fanatasitc places.

And every evenng it was a different pub with beer and meat pies and then off to a great west end show we caught Billy Elliot and Wicked the last two nights. Both were absolutely amazing.......

Model of the ferry that we took

Then last night we boarded a ship to Amsterdam and woke up in my homeland were everyone sounds like my mother. We are staying in a great hotel right in the city center close to everything and what a great city, but so different from London. Now I just have to get Laurence to eat palling and herring before we leave. And Laurence is going to attempt to share some pictures he has taken over 1500 in London alone.


  1. Hey Henry! I'm so glad you sent the blog URL, I can't wait to read all about your adventures. Glad you arrived somewhere safely and I'll be tuning in regularly.

    Take care!

  2. sounds like your having way too much fun already... can't wait to see some pictures!
