Sunday, April 25, 2010

Paris 2

We have been extended here in Paris by a few days due to issues with getting a train booked out of the city, and with the flight problems it is all good for us.  We got our apartment extended by a few nights and got to enjoy a bit more of Pairs.  So we got the Museum Pass for four days and did marathon session of museums in the city, and truly got our money's worth.  Must be the dutchmen in me but we saw over 12 museums and cathedrals in the last four days and they were all worth it.

Maphew taking a spin on a Vespa

Highlights for sure were Napoleon's tomb, which is a huge granite tomb inside a most impressive large church built specifically for him. As well the L Orangie, a beatiful museum built around 8 of Monet's largest works of water lilies, a most impressive site for sure.  So we kept really busy walking the streets of Paris looking for all the key sites and taking in this great city.  It really is a city with its own character and style and with surprises around every corner.

Monet's Water Lilies Painting

Yesterday we hiked up to Sacre' Coeur and spent the day in the Montmartre district,with it's windy streets and artist sudios. Laurence even convinced me to spend a few hours in a old cemetary looking at the impressive and large tomb stones.  

Sacre' Coeur

The reality of this holiday is finally setting in with both of us, as we decided today to just slow down and really not do much but enjoy the city, our aparmtent and take a breather.  This being a tourist is like a full time job,  but we are both here to enjoy but most importantly relax and take in the moment.  So we did...

1 comment:

  1. I have finally taken the time to read through your blog and look at all your pictures. What an amazing trip you are on. I also read the letter from maphew and it made me a little teary. Sounds like you are having a blast.
    Love Jill
