Thursday, April 29, 2010


So after an extended stay in Paris we finally have moved on.  We took the overnight train from Paris to Barcelona, a 12 hour journey.  It wasn't too bad as we had booked a room on the train and could sort of sleep through the trip.  It was great as we arrived in Spain early in the morning so it gave us a full day to discover the city.

Maphew boarding the train 

Each city we have visited thus far certainly has it's own personality and charm and Barcelona has certainly proven to be very different from our other european destinations.  The city is so interesting with it's great architecture and interesting sites, and the people here are the most welcoming yet.  Within hours we had been helped by several locals and even met up with some people for drinks.   The people of Spain do live on a different time schedule and we are trying to get use to it.  Nothing opens until after 10, lunch never begins before 2:30, dinner is at 9:00 and you go out to the bars at midnight and the clubs at 2 to 6 AM.  We are doing our best trying to live on their time schedules and it has been great fun.

La Pedrera

We have been immersed in Gaudi for the last two days and it has been most inspiring.  He was without a doubt a a great architect and his structures look like nothing else I have ever seen.  First we hit La Pedrera his amazing modernist apartment building with it's curvey walls and delicate wrought iron work.  Then we hit Sagrada Familia the incomplete massive church that is still being worked on here and will be done in the next 35 years, if all goes well.  This is a marvel to see, like no other cathedral in all of the world.  We also hit is Park Quell and Casa Battlo, both with there undulating walls and unique design.

Sagrada Familia 

We have lots of time to stroll the La Rambla (their walking strret), the beach and get lost in the old part of the city through the narrow lanes and streets that seem to go on forever.  The city is so walkable and easy to navigate, and again Laurence is so busy taking his pics of absolutely everything.  We are both in love with this city, and the people here have been a blast thus far, everyone wants to chat and Laurence is making lots of new friends, his favorite thing to do.  And for our friends in Australia, Laurence has discovered that Magnums are every where here in Europe, he is a happy man.

Palau Guell

Barcelona is the BEST.  The B and B we are staying in is for sale........... ummm what should we do?


  1. Buy it and I'll come cook breakfasts! that'll leave me the rest of the day to enjoy!!!

    Love you guys

  2. Do you really need to ask what to do!??!!? Buy the B&B! I will come manage it when you need a break! :)
