Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Have Some New Friends

Hey Guys!

Duckie is my new best Friend

She doesn't talk much!!!

What until my Dad gets home

Its been raining here! Too much actually. Ugh! Other than my walks, we have been laying low this week. Auntie must of felt sorry for me, cause she got some toys for me. My friend "duckie" loves to horse around! She squawks!! And I have some yellow balls too (wrecked the squeaker in one already! Cheap toys! oh well . . . ) Not much else new. Oh ya, I got my first chase in yesterday! I gave a good run on a grey cat out back. Almost had it too until it ran up a fence! Dam claws!! Geesh! I gave it a huge bark or two!! Wasn't long and auntie was calling me back. Happy with my accomplishment, I ran back to see her. Figured I gave that cat what for! Grr.... And the other day, I couldn't go out of the house the other day too. Just out the front door stood a doe and her two fawns. Uncle Dave wouldn't let me out!! The nerve! I had to go!! Anyway, it wasn't long and the deer left. When I went outside, I gave everything a good sniff before going back in. I'm always on the look out! Oh, in case you are wondering, haven't seen the skunk again . . . can you imagine??

Hope things are great and you both are having too much fun!!


Maphew oxox

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