Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maphew's Visit With The Cousins

Hello Guys!

I love it when someone watches live TV with me!!!

We are watching for Kitty's

I love Amy, but I think she love's me way too Much

Spent some time with family last weekend. Laurence's sister and kids and mother came for a visit here in Cranbrook, BC. Amy, my human niece, stayed at my side ALL the time!! And we did everything together. We went for truck rides (auntie drove), watched TV (Ugly Duckling 14 times! ugh!), looked out the window and went for lots of walks. She has way too much energy for me! She ran my feet off!! I was very tired at the end of each day! As you can see I still love my bed. Ahh, heaven! I was happy to grab a quick nap when she wasn't looking. Thank goodness!

Wow that was one exhausting weekend!!!!!!!

Just hanging out this weekend. Will go for a bunch of walks, and maybe another jeep ride. The weather has cooled off a little. Its only 14'C today. Must be the mountain air. Hope it warms up!! I feel like going for ice cream! Yum!

Until my next update . . .


Maphew oxox

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