Friday, September 3, 2010

Awesome Camping Weekend

Hello "My People".

Don't I look like a Camper Dog

Dave I'm going to put out the fire for U

Happy Trails

Here's another update. We went camping again! This time we went to Lumberton for a sleep over in the woods. It is about a 30 minute drive west of Cranbrook. Our spot was really dusty and you guessed it, I got really dirty! I also marked everything (as you can see with my pic with uncle Dave)!! I kept really busy checking everything out. At night I got to wear a glo-stick necklace! The other camp people kept saying how pretty I was!! Geesh, don't they know I'm a boy!! I have to admit the necklace was really cool! When it got dark, I impressed everyone cause I kept guard with my back to the camp fire looking out and beyond! No animal sightings and I think auntie was happy about that (and the fact that she could see me at all times!). Though, I could tell something was nearby (saw a coyote the next morning across the swamp near camp . . . hmm . . . friend or foe?). Anyway, it got a little chilly so it was nice to crawl into a trailer with a furnace. ahh, heaven!! And the next day we went for a jeep ride too up to Kyako look out (on top of a mountain - not sure of the name of it). It was really cold!! Good thing we didn't stay long. brrr . . . fall is definitely upon us . . . until my next adventure, take care.


Maphew oxox

PS. Hope your having a blast!!

PPS. Miss ya . . . skype soon, ok?

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