Saturday, September 4, 2010

Boy, I Was A Dirty Dog


Boy, I was Dirty!!!!

By the way I'm wearing blue contacts, what u think?

I feel so clean now!!!!

Well, you can imagine with another end of a camping trip, I got a bath!! Auntie likes to give me lots of them and I have to admit I like them too. Especially when I get out and run around like a mad man!! Ya Hoo!! I'm starting to look like a bear, so I will have to be careful if our next adventure is in the woods! Its now hunting season here! Yikes! Picture it, me stuffed and placed on a wall above a fire place!! OMG!! Wouldn't you just die?? Stuffed Scottie!!! . . . just kidding . . . Anyway, wanted you to know that I'm still having a blast and being spoiled rotten! I have Uncle Dave wrapped around my paw! It's great!! Auntie is jealous! hee, hee . . . got to go, uncle Dave is gonna give me a treat, I just know it! Yummy!!


Maphew oxox

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