Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Have Some New Friends

Hey Guys!

Duckie is my new best Friend

She doesn't talk much!!!

What until my Dad gets home

Its been raining here! Too much actually. Ugh! Other than my walks, we have been laying low this week. Auntie must of felt sorry for me, cause she got some toys for me. My friend "duckie" loves to horse around! She squawks!! And I have some yellow balls too (wrecked the squeaker in one already! Cheap toys! oh well . . . ) Not much else new. Oh ya, I got my first chase in yesterday! I gave a good run on a grey cat out back. Almost had it too until it ran up a fence! Dam claws!! Geesh! I gave it a huge bark or two!! Wasn't long and auntie was calling me back. Happy with my accomplishment, I ran back to see her. Figured I gave that cat what for! Grr.... And the other day, I couldn't go out of the house the other day too. Just out the front door stood a doe and her two fawns. Uncle Dave wouldn't let me out!! The nerve! I had to go!! Anyway, it wasn't long and the deer left. When I went outside, I gave everything a good sniff before going back in. I'm always on the look out! Oh, in case you are wondering, haven't seen the skunk again . . . can you imagine??

Hope things are great and you both are having too much fun!!


Maphew oxox

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Boy, I Was A Dirty Dog


Boy, I was Dirty!!!!

By the way I'm wearing blue contacts, what u think?

I feel so clean now!!!!

Well, you can imagine with another end of a camping trip, I got a bath!! Auntie likes to give me lots of them and I have to admit I like them too. Especially when I get out and run around like a mad man!! Ya Hoo!! I'm starting to look like a bear, so I will have to be careful if our next adventure is in the woods! Its now hunting season here! Yikes! Picture it, me stuffed and placed on a wall above a fire place!! OMG!! Wouldn't you just die?? Stuffed Scottie!!! . . . just kidding . . . Anyway, wanted you to know that I'm still having a blast and being spoiled rotten! I have Uncle Dave wrapped around my paw! It's great!! Auntie is jealous! hee, hee . . . got to go, uncle Dave is gonna give me a treat, I just know it! Yummy!!


Maphew oxox

Friday, September 3, 2010

Awesome Camping Weekend

Hello "My People".

Don't I look like a Camper Dog

Dave I'm going to put out the fire for U

Happy Trails

Here's another update. We went camping again! This time we went to Lumberton for a sleep over in the woods. It is about a 30 minute drive west of Cranbrook. Our spot was really dusty and you guessed it, I got really dirty! I also marked everything (as you can see with my pic with uncle Dave)!! I kept really busy checking everything out. At night I got to wear a glo-stick necklace! The other camp people kept saying how pretty I was!! Geesh, don't they know I'm a boy!! I have to admit the necklace was really cool! When it got dark, I impressed everyone cause I kept guard with my back to the camp fire looking out and beyond! No animal sightings and I think auntie was happy about that (and the fact that she could see me at all times!). Though, I could tell something was nearby (saw a coyote the next morning across the swamp near camp . . . hmm . . . friend or foe?). Anyway, it got a little chilly so it was nice to crawl into a trailer with a furnace. ahh, heaven!! And the next day we went for a jeep ride too up to Kyako look out (on top of a mountain - not sure of the name of it). It was really cold!! Good thing we didn't stay long. brrr . . . fall is definitely upon us . . . until my next adventure, take care.


Maphew oxox

PS. Hope your having a blast!!

PPS. Miss ya . . . skype soon, ok?

Dad, Why? Aren't You On Skype


I'm here, where the Hell are U!!!!

Auntie & Uncle why isn't he online

I really need to chat to u, I miss you soo much!!!!

Just checking in . . . are you there?? Uncle Dave was in the office, so I jumped onto his lap, then to the desk . . . I looked on the computer screen and you were not there . . . perhaps another day . . . hope all is well.

Love Maphew oxox

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Maphew See's A Skunk, I Thought It Was A Kitty !!!!

Hey everyone!

Guess what? We took a different way home tonight from our walk and I bet you can't guess what happened? Anna-Lisa and Dave chatting by the house before we were going to go in for the night, when I thought I had met a new kitty on our block!! I was about three car lengths away when auntie yelled at me! What?? She had alot of nerve!! I mean, just because the kitty looked like me . . . and with the exception of having a nice fancy white racing stripe down its back to its tail, how was I suppose to know it was a SKUNK!! Geesh! Well, auntie wrecked my chances of a good chase! And uncle Dave too cause he stuck to me like glue! All I wanted to do was play!! How sad to see it run away! (note to self, may consider bolting next time for a meet and greet . . .hmm). Since it has been darker earlier, we can expect the unexpected in town . . . if its not the attacking deer, its the wondering skunks! What next??? Well, just wanted to share my excitement!! Hope all is going great in your neck of the woods . . .


Maphew oxox

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maphew's Visit With The Cousins

Hello Guys!

I love it when someone watches live TV with me!!!

We are watching for Kitty's

I love Amy, but I think she love's me way too Much

Spent some time with family last weekend. Laurence's sister and kids and mother came for a visit here in Cranbrook, BC. Amy, my human niece, stayed at my side ALL the time!! And we did everything together. We went for truck rides (auntie drove), watched TV (Ugly Duckling 14 times! ugh!), looked out the window and went for lots of walks. She has way too much energy for me! She ran my feet off!! I was very tired at the end of each day! As you can see I still love my bed. Ahh, heaven! I was happy to grab a quick nap when she wasn't looking. Thank goodness!

Wow that was one exhausting weekend!!!!!!!

Just hanging out this weekend. Will go for a bunch of walks, and maybe another jeep ride. The weather has cooled off a little. Its only 14'C today. Must be the mountain air. Hope it warms up!! I feel like going for ice cream! Yum!

Until my next update . . .


Maphew oxox