Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maphew's having a great time

Hello Laurence, Henry and the rest of the gang!

Having a great time in BC!! We go for walks every day. They have a path system here in Cranbrook and it goes along the creek. When I need to cool off, I go into the water and it feels great!! And I meet lots of dogs too!! Auntie took me on a huge walk last night . . . I was sure tired . . . kinda wish she had picked me up . . . come to think of it, I should have laid down . . . oh well, will keep that in mind next time she does that to me!! Ha, ha . . .

I need a dip

Guess what, I have a new (temporary) dog tag! I like it because it looks like a bone and it is black with my name (big letters) and auntie’s number on it (that's in case I decide to take off after a cat!!) I'm sure you will see a pic of it soon . . . and you want to know what else . . . you can hear me coming from a mile away now . . . it’s no wonder with all the stuff on my collar . . . it’s no surprise to the cat next door! Means that there will be no surprise attacks! Ugh! Oh well, it’s a hard choice . . . be loud and look good . . . no not! (Giggle, giggle).

Well, we are off to bed . . . so chow for now . . .


Maphew oxox

PS. Auntie will send more updates as she takes more pics . . .

PPS. Sending you lots of dog kisses your way!

Hello everybody!

I went for a visit today to Dave's parents place. You guessed it, they love me!! Dave's mom gives me lots of treats (including doggie biscuits)! Yum-o!!

Why isn't my dad on here

They thought it was a hoot that I watch TV. . . . So, what is wrong with that?? . . . I agree nothing!! Also spent some time looking out the window . . . it was nice because the windows go to the floor and I can see at right out at ground level. Nice! They too have a cat next door. No sign of it though . . . it must have heard me when I arrived. Bummer!

A new friend to play with, Teddy

 Dave's sister was at moms too with her dog. His name is Teddy. I played with his squeaky tennis ball and we had a run about in the house too. Everybody thought it was really cute! Can you believe that? We were just horsing around . . . yee haa! We are going to get together tomorrow for a walk . . . looking forward to the "dog" company. Just another day in God's country (as uncle Dave says)!! He's funny! I just wag my tail off!!! (Har, har,)

Got to run . . .


Maphew oxox

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