Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maphew's Adventure continues

Hello Guys!

Just another day in paradise!! Went camping with Anna-Lisa and Dave on the Kootney River near Johnston Lake not far from Cranbrook, BC. The ride to our site was awesome (I was on aunties lap the whole way with my head out the window! The breeze was absolutely hair blowing! Just got to say, "I love camping!" I was the official guard dog and let everyone know when something was up. I especially like exploring around, above (we were up on the bank) and down by the river.

Guard dog!!!

The view was spectacular and the smells unique (came across the occasional cow pie!)!! The water was extra cold which was just lovely . . . it was really hot this past weekend!! It felt sooo good!! And I enjoyed the camp fire and my favourite was the bq steak! De-lish!! My sleep in the trailer was like heaven too! And it would have been even better if Uncle Dave moved to the couch! (Need more room! - going to talk to auntie about it!). Anyway, Life is good!!


Maphew oxox

Hey! Guys,

It's me again . . . guess what I did??? On our camping trip, we also went canoeing down the Kootney River!! I got to wear my life jacket! Don't I look great!! Styling Scottie, that's me!! I really enjoy the ride!! Whoo Hoo!!! There was lots to see . . . mountains, hoodoos, trees, water, rocks, white caps (ok it wasn't that bad, they were just little rapids) and best of all . . . two bald eagles!! They were huge!!! Not to worry, Anna-Lisa and Dave kept me close . . . they must have been worried that I would be lunch for them?? Whatever! I would have shown them who was boss! grr...growl!! Oh, ya!!

Don't I look Hot!!!!

Until my next adventure . . .


Maphew oxox


Guess what I can swim

Guess what I did???? I followed Uncle Dave to the water and . . . I went swimming!! Who knew? You would be soooo proud of me! I did a happy dance when I got to shore!! And I gave everyone lots of hugs!! They all gave me high 5's!! And I heard lots of cheers and giggles too!! I really loved it!! It was the best’s thing ever!!! I can't wait to go again!! Ya Hoo!!! I'm so happy, I could bark myself silly!!

My next adventure awaits . . . perhaps a jeep ride . . . hmm . . .

Lots of Love,

Maphew oxox

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