Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maphew vists his Auntie & Uncle

HELLO Laurence & Henry!!

I have left my second home with Gerda, Larry and the animals and I have to say, I was a little sad . . . I knew something was up when I saw my auntie Anna-Lisa and uncle Dave . . . so I didn’t run up to them . . . couldn’t show too much excitement, after all I was still with my auntie Gerda! So as I hung my head low to say good bye to both Gerda and Hendrika, got into the truck a little unsure. Who knew I would be making my way to my new home for the next month . . . and to begin the next chapter of my big adventure!!

This is the only way to travel
I rode in style! I was on top of a suitcase in my bed in the front seat of the truck . . . it was absolutely in heaven! And the view was the best!

First stop, went to see auntie Noble-lee, kids and Louie . . . I had a great time! . . . My niece, Amy (what a pest) wouldn't leave me alone! Ugh!

My new view, better watch out kitty's

When I arrived in Cranbrook, BC, I walked up the drive way and made myself right at home. Gonna like this place! I have my own chair in the front window to watch the world go by and I have free run of the house. What more could I ask for?

The first week has been filled with sleeping in (on the bed), long walks, and lounging on my chair! The snacks have been great too. Auntie says I can’t have too many otherwise I will get a big bum! Ya, whatever! I am king of this castle!!

I can't believe how hot it is!!!

By the way, the kids loved my new hairdo! I don`t mind so much either . . . keeps me cool, so you gotta like it. It`s really hot here! +30 . . . I think auntie is going to get me a pool for the deck! I can`t wait! A nice dip would feel so good right about now!

Finally, want to let you know I doing very well and I`m being spoiled rotten. So, no need to worry. Life is good!!


Maphew oxox

PS. Anna-Lisa and Dave say ``hello``. And want you to know that they LOVE having me here!!!

PPS. Can’t wait to meet the neighbour’s cat!! Whoo hoo!!

Hello Laurence, Henry and Etienne!!

As my big adventure continues, I have to tell you I have been having a great time in Cranbrook, BC so far!!

Each day begins with lifting my head while my uncle leaves for work @ 3:30am and I am able to have more room on the bed!! I love being all sprawled out. When auntie gets up, I am excited to go outside and have a bit of a sniff around . . . after auntie leaves for work, I watch out the window waiting for other dogs, cats and deer to wonder by. Saw a deer just the other morning, and I totally went crazy!! I barked like a mad man!! Auntie wouldn`t let me out! What a drag!! Anyway, auntie comes home for lunch and we go for a long walk along the creek. I love to go in and dip my feet! Oh, it feels so good!

My new Pool

When Dave and Anna-Lisa come through the door after work, they go crazy when they see me! I have to admit that I`m pretty happy to see them too! We either go for another walk right away or have dinner first, or vice versa. It`s all very good! I hang with them until it’s time for bed. I sleep in the middle all snug as a bug!

A nice dip in the Pool

Today, auntie brought home a pool for me . . . it’s a kinda kiddy-ish! . . . Actually, it’s really lam-o!! But it sure feels good on the feet!

I can see you, but I can't smell u!!!

The best so far is when you called on Skype and I could see you and hear you!! I was so excited!! I could hardly believe it!! It was so good to see you, I couldn't get close enough!! I can`t wait to hear from you again!!

Have lots of fun!

Miss you.

Love you lots and lots,

Maphew oxox

PS. We are going shopping for a life jacket . . . can I swim . . . do I like fish . . . hmm . . . canoeing is my next adventure! Whoo hoo!!

PPS. Dave & Anna-Lisa say ``hello`` and happy to hear you are doing very well and having a great time!

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