Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Family in Sydney 2

Upon on our return to Sydney, the family took on the Bridge Climb and climbed the famed Sydney Harbour Bridge. Built in 1932 this iconic structure spans the Sydney Harbour and is the world’s largest single span iron bridge. So after a training session and getting decked out in our climbing gear the entire family climbed to the top point of the bridge to look out at the impressive views. And after our morning of climbing we lunched on kangaroo, emu and crocodile pizza at the famous Australian Pub, and yes you can get kids into pubs in this country.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

This is going to be awesome!!!!

As I have been travelling to Australia for many years now and have very good friends that are more like family, it was great to have my Australian family meet the Canadian family. So Nick and Danni hosted a fantastic barbeque Australian style and the families were finally all in one room to share some good times.

Party Animals

And of course no visit to Sydney would be complete without a stop at the world famous Bondi Beach on the east shore. Here we strolled through the Sunday markets and spent some time on the beach watching the surfers and having gelato, oh the life down under is so hard. And after almost three weeks of travelling together it was time to say goodbye to part of the family as Sam, Cayley and Chad had to return to Calgary in preparation for school.

Bondi Beach

My dad is really awesome, I love him for taking us to Australia


Well, I love my mom more

I wish that Laurence would stop taking our pictures

After the farewells, the remaining family group was off to the Blue Mountains National Park on the outskirts of Sydney. Here we explored the great shops in Leura, viewed the scenic outlook of the Three Sisters Rock formation and poked around the antique shops of Katoomba. As it is winter here we did experience the coldest weather of our travels through Australia when the temperature dipped to just 3 degrees Celsius, it felt like Calgary. But the beautiful Blue Mountains did not disappoint with majestic views of the blue gum forests and amazing rock formations.

Three Sisters

Blue Mountains

We then toured the Jenolan Caves, just east of the Mount Victoria area and just through some beautiful country side. The Jenolan Caves were first discovered in 1938 and are a remarkable complex of more than 300 subterranean chambers. These limestone features are an amazing mix of dry and wet caves, with stalactites and stalagmites, under water streams and wonderful crystal formations. Here we explored three off the more impressive caves the Oriental, Imperial and the Lucas caves.

Jenolan Caves Hotel

Jenolan Caves

Sarah and Henry

Our final days with Gerda and Sarah, included some great shopping in the city, an evening at the theatre watching an amazing production of Wicked and day trip out to the scenic countryside of Berry. The final days just seem to race by as the family vacation was now at an end.

Travelling with the family was certainly a memory I will cherish for the rest of my life. There is always some hesitation as you get a large group together to travel, however this vacation could have net been more special. We all had the time to laugh, bond and reconnect as we explored this amazing country. I want to thank Sam, Gerda, Sarah, Cayley and Chad for making this last month in Australia a highlight of my year journey and I love you all.

There was Six

Still Six


