Sunday, January 23, 2011

Koh Samui

Considered one of the top 10 beach destination
in the world

Chewang  beach is 6 kilometres

So after travelling by plane from the bustling city of Bangkok we arrived on the small island of Koh Samui. This island, also known as “coconut island” (since it harvests over two million coconuts a year) is located in the Gulf of Thailand and is the third largest island in this country. Here we are greeted by its world famous beaches and warm tropical air and of course Thai hospitality.

Here we settled into our hotel and quickly rushed to enjoy one of the greatest beaches on this planet, with its white sands, warm blue waters and countless Thai restaurants and bars to be discovered. We soon set up a pattern of a late breakfast and then staking our claim at the local Aqua beach bar chairs. Here the three of us soaked in the sun, walked up and down the 6 kilometres of white sandy beach and watched the parade of bodies strolling by our chairs. The days seem to race by as we all got in some very serious beach time and watched Laurence get browner by the second.

Thai electrical wiring

Motorcycles on main street

And in the evening we strolled the streets of Chewang with its random sidewalks, countless food stalls and far too many shops selling T-shirts and pirated music. Or we walked down the picturesque beach with its bars and restaurants lit with lights and sit on Thai pillows watching the moon over the beautiful harbour at our favourite spot the Ark Bar.

Jennifer on swing

Henry on swing

Henry and Laurence kidding around

We ventured out one night and even took in a Muay Thai (kick boxing) match at the local fighting arena, a rough sport for sure with almost a lack of rules as the two opponent’s battle in the 30 degree heat.
And of course we took in some Thai Lady Boy shows at the local cabarets; no visit to Thailand would be complete without experiencing the high energy of these campy shows. Here we kept saying to one another, “is that really a boy” as the entertainers put on a wonderfully choreographed lip sync show to famous artists such as Whitney Houston and Tina Turner. The place was packed with tourist who could not get enough of this high energy Thai entertainment.

Lady boy's @ Stars Cabaret

It was wonderful to have this time to spend with Jennifer and reconnect with a dear friend and explore our little space of paradise here on the island of Koh Samui.

Henry having a good time

Jennifer loving a glass of wine

Chewang  beach before sunset

1 comment:

  1. Thailand take me back!! One week home and two "Heavy Snowfall" warnings!!
