Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas in Sydney

Christmas chatting with the kids

After a most amazing year of travel half way around the world it was wonderful to be able to spend the holiday season with family. Our friends in Sydney are more like family to us as over the years we have remained close, shared our worlds, watched the children grow into wonderful adults and feel like we are home whenever we visit.

I can't wait to have dinner

My Uncles are party animals

The season in Australia is very different to a Christmas in Canada, no snow, warm weather and a summer vacation feel to the whole season. It was very odd to see Christmas trees fully decorated in open court yards in 30 degree heat, hear carols as you stroll along the arcades in shorts and see spray on snow applied to the store front windows. But it all seemed to work for the Australian version of this celebration and family holiday.

Etienne's Christmas tree

We kept busy in the early parts of December redecorating Et’s apartment, giving it a bit of “Laurence Shui” and giving it a new updated feel. The three of us enjoyed shopping for new pieces for the apartment and spending Et’s money. We even went out and got Et a Christmas tree and decorated her home up for the holiday season.

Got Et's ready for Christmas

But the month was very busy with lots of visiting and eating and just enjoying the friendships here in Sydney. We both ate way too much food, from traditional Christmas fare such as egg nog, to wonderful Greek and Egyptian treats and of course lots of seafood. I think we both gained a bit of weight due to all the great eats.

Santa Claus arrived for the gift giving

We spent Christmas Eve at the home of the Loyzaga family as they immersed us in their family tradition of Pilipino foods and a very large loud extended family. Christmas dinner was amazing collection of food prepared by Et in her home along with her family. We dined on ham, turkey, and of course shrimp, octopus and raw oysters a true Aussie Christmas. And Boxing Day was daiquiri day at the Bishara home with an endless pitcher of creative daiquiris surrounded by good friends. Every day we were welcome to the homes of Et’s family and friends, each one making us feel like we have always been part of the family.

Christmas @ Loyzaga Family

New Years Eve we headed down to the Sydney Harbour to watch the amazing fireworks show. Over 1.5 million people converge on the shoreline of the harbour to see a most impressive fireworks show with fireworks in four locations throughout the harbour highlighted by fireworks on the bridge itself. We camped out early and ate our picnic lunches waiting for the midnight bell to toll and to see the most amazing fireworks show I have ever witnessed.

Christmas @ Etienne's with Bishara Family

And right after New Year’s Day we spent the day at Mom Bisharas helping in a family tradition of making Greek biscuits on mass. Here we spent the day pumping out hundreds of unique hand shaped cookies. The day was more about being together with friends and family than the actual event, what a great day to spend with our family down under.

Year of the Rabbit Cookie

Maphew cookie

Kombi Van Cookie

The month seemed to race by as we shopped too much, ate too much and of course drank too much. We got in a little beach time at Bondi and Balmoral Beaches, but the month was truly about spending time with friends and building those lifelong ties with these great people.

Happy New Year to everyone and wishing you all the very best in the new year.

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