Sunday, January 9, 2011

Goodbye to Australia

So after a five month visit to this land of kangaroos and beaches we have to finally say goodbye. This portion of our journey around the world has been the longest segment and once again the great land down under has delivered us another memorable visit. Even though we have both traveled here numerous times this stay has brought its own new memories and wonderful experiences.

I love my Tata

He's taking our picture again

From our wonderful road journeys, to meeting up with family and friends and reacquainting ourselves with our family down under, the last months have sailed by. The natural wonders of this continent have once again amazed us from scuba diving on the barrier reef, to swimming with dolphins to hiking the Nobbies to see the penguin parade; this land is an incredible adventure. The family and friends who joined us over the last few months, have helped create timeless memories from swimming at the base of the sand dunes, to hearing Chad say Townsville for the 100th time to enjoying banana bread with Barb, it has been an absolute blast. And the opportunity to once more connect with our down under family has been a real treat once again, from baking cookies with the family, to playing bingo with Mom Bishara to celebrating the holiday season with Etienne and her family, these memories are with us forever. This visit has been more than we imagined and we have loved it all.

Were super models

But before we leave this country I need to thank some very important people, whom without, this holiday would not have been as great and whose friendship we so cherish and who made us feel like we were at home.

Worlds Best Mom

To the family Loyzaga, you have once again welcomed us into your home with open arms, shared your family and shared your love. It was wonderful reconnecting with you all, and it has always been an honour that the children have referred to us their uncles. We couldn’t be prouder uncles, for they have all grown into wonderful young adults and we look forward to long and continued relationship. And thank –you to Joe and Janine for not only sharing your home but more importantly your family and your friendship.

Our Last Oz Dinner

Leave some for me!!!!!

To the family Bishara, thank-you for your warmth, love and friendship, it was exactly as Nick stated one day over beers, even though we do not see each other for years on end, the minute we are together it is like we have never separated. It too has been an honour to be the Canadian uncles to your wonderful kids, and we will miss your friendship while away.

I ate too much spinach pie

He's my son!!!!

That's what I think about u two leaving

To Mom Bishara, you are our other mother. It has been a pleasure to travel to your homeland with you and too meet your extended family in both Greece and Egypt. You have taught us both so much about these to countries from customs to language to of course the great food. We will miss your warm hugs, bingo on Tuesdays and most importantly you.

Mom Bishara and Etienne

But most importantly we need to thank Etienne. You were not only our host for five months, hotel keeper to my family, travelling companion and resident cook; you are most importantly our best friend. It is too hard to say in words but I need to thank you for all your love and support, we will miss you the most!

Etienne and Henry @ rooftop below the Acropolis

Etienne on camel

My favorite pic of the three of us, it has been
a amazing big adventure

We have been so fortunate to be surrounded by such a large group of great people in the land down under and we will miss you all.

Next stop Thailand............

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