Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nice and Monaco

So we have now arrived in the beautiful French Rivera, and it is even better than we imagined. The city of Nice is very dramatic with its amazing bay along the Mediterranean Sea flanked by old world hotels and sailing ships. The city is definitely geared for the tourist with loads of restaurants, casinos and bars, all a joy to discover.

Nice Esplanade

We spent the day light hours walking through this city looking at the architecture, from an amazing Russian Orthodox Church to some wonderful examples of art deco design. We made our way to the national Chagall Art Gallery followed by sometime at the Matisse Gallery. But by for the most enjoyable was wondering through the tight streets of the Old Town, discovering great buildings, shopping and of course gelato.

Maphew does Monaco

We then took a 20 minute train ride to the Principality of Monaco. This place is so different than the rest of Europe; it is so clean and posh, with Ferraris and Rolls Royce’s at every corner. The shopping here was out of our league but the city is a sight to see. We made our way up to the old town of Monte Carlo and saw the cathedral where Princess Grace and the Prince are laid to rest. We also took a tour of the Royal Palace of Monaco and got our fill of royalty. The city was in such a state as the Monaco Grand Prix is in a few days so we got to see lots of race cars and large ships in the bay. We did also make our way to the old Casino of Monte Carlo and of course Laurence won $100.00 in a few minutes.

Royal Palace of Monaco

The French Rivera is great and was a lot of fun, and the coast line is amazing so Laurence wanted to look at real estate again, this place is defiantly on our repeat list.

Sunset On the Mediterranean

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