Friday, May 14, 2010

La Spezia and Pisa

We have now reached Italy, a new country and new experiences, and a language neither of us understand. After a 6 hour train ride we arrived in La Spezia, a port city on the west coast of Italy. The city is a great city with old building lots of walking streets and a feel that is very Italian. The reason we are here is to hike the famous Cinque Terre hike, which is only a 10 minute train ride from La Spezia.


The Cinque Terre hike is a 10 km hike along the rugged sea coast of Italy connecting five small villages, with picturesque views and vistas. On the day we went however most of the hike was closed due to weather conditions and only one leg was open to the public, and the only way to see the villages was to catch the train between the villages. So we opted to go to one village just outside the Cinque Terre National Park and hiked into the park over a small mountain range along a magnificent coastline. We started in Levanto, packed a lunch and hiked for three hours along a very rugged and wet pathway. But it was wonderful and an experience to remember. Once inside the first village of Monterosso we did the tourist thing a discovered the town. Each one of these amazing five villages has it’s own character and charm and they are perched over an incredible coastline. I can now see why people from all over the world come here to do this hike and we are certainly coming back for this experience. The villages of Vernazza, Manarola and Riomaggorie where each so different and where a complete joy to wonder through. We will be back and do the whole trail when it is open.




Then this morning we got up and took the train to Pisa, to see none other than the famous leaning tower. The whole La Piazza del Doumo was so very interesting and incredible. We went up the famous leaning bell tower during the rain but it was well worth the visit and climbing all those stairs. The cathedral is a masterpiece in Italian marble work and architecture as is the large and impressive baptistery. It was truly a highlight of this journey to see this wonder of the world and enjoy the entire Piazza.

Maphew holding up the Bell Tower of Pisa

We are enjoying Italy, getting by on only a few phrases, but the Italians have been very generous and helpful so no issue. They certainly do have a certain fashion sense here, all their own. And to join in it all, Laurence has cut off all his hair and is now basically bald with a beard. But it’s all good.

Catherdal and Leaning Tower

Ciao Bello

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