Friday, May 21, 2010

A Letter from Maphew

Well, I’m starting a journal just like you my dad’s. I hear via the grapevine that you think of me often which is very sweet but you don’t have to worry as my extended vacation (at Gerda and Larry’s) has started out rather nicely.

A new Perch

I have been on many a road trip and I can now climb in and out of Gerda’s car easily. I just have to remember that the steering wheel is in the way if I go in by the floor.

Lets be friends

I have made friends with everyone on the farmyard. Well, maybe not Cooper, the orange cat. Zeus one of the big dogs, will chase her and she doesn’t trust me to be any different. Leo, the grey tabby, was the first to succumb to my charms. He will now even share Gerda’s lap with me. He is definitely the bravest of the feline community. Diego, the longhaired black cat, no longer growls at me. He still can play shy but more often that not, he just ignores me. I do, however, enjoy their cat food on the occasion that I am allowed into the basement. Gerda has deemed this to be a Maphew free zone, so I can only go down accompanied by a person. Cooper, when she is in the house, hides down there during the daylight hours.

She is going to kiss me again, I know it.

The large outside dogs treat me as a guest: still a little standoffish but we all go on long walks together. Larry thinks that I travel a little slowly but he insists on going into the field behind the house. The hay field isn’t so bad as the grass is nice and short. The grain field is another matter. I will only travel in straight lines as the crop was cut to a height of 4 to 5 inches. This is the same height as my underside and I do not appreciate the combing of the underbelly. This, of course, causes me to be a little slower as he often goes diagonally. Math being what it is, I travel further, therefore I am slower. Also, everyone else has such long legs. They did go without me one day but the horses were involved so I elected to stay home. I even found my way home one day when I didn’t feel like taking a real long walk, I just turned around and found Gerda at the house. Don’t worry; I was not on the highway. Gerda is very strict about where on the highway I can walk. Zeus has to be on a leash, because he doesn’t come when called. Tia the other big dog, and I get to go free as we both listen very well.

 I hope she doesn't pull my hair again

The largest animals will tolerate me in the pasture. I must tell you that the area smells so interesting. I have learned that they, the horses, don’t appreciate my outside voice. I have toned things down a notch. They got their toenails trimmed the other day. The trimmings do smell and taste very exotic.

I have been introduced to Swenson’s General Store. The first occasion was a little bit strange. Gerda keeps disappearing out the front door. She does come back. I did have a longer haircut at this time and I did look like a dust mop more than once. As you can imagine, there were all kinds of new spaces and places to investigate.

I discovered on returning to the store, that the ice cream machine had be turned on. Oh joy. I am now very friendly to anyone who purchases a cone. So far no one but Gerda has offered me any nor has anyone dropped one but I live in hope. I now know the rhythm of the store a little better and so I feel that I can nap in the bed provided. I was finally introduced to Bailey, the other terrier, that works at the store. She is a little older than I am and most proper. Everyone at the store greets me and tries to pet me. I let some succeed.

Oh yes, my haircut. I was bringing everything into the house, twigs, hay, grass, burrs - they very very nasty, etc. I’m sure you get the idea. Well, I agreed a change was in order, so I received a “Farmer’s Cut”. Now, I know you probably don’t approve but Gerda will allow it to start growing in after the summer is over. Even bathing is very fast when there isn’t much hair.

I baby sit the little people two days a week, Gerda and Larry’s grandchildren. I’m not sure I enjoy their company all the time. Sometimes they move very fast and hug an awful lot. Gerda does step in when required. I must admit that they can be fun and I enjoy the mess the little girl, Alaura, makes when she eats. They had a very nice birthday party which I attended. I was entrusted with the job of greeter and groundkeeper. Both jobs were performed with dignity and speed. The hotdogs and buns were very tasty. The bouncey- house was a very popular attraction as was the face painter and the balloon man. The popping sound didn’t even bother me. The rain stayed away until the gift opening was just beginning so the families with small children all went home. This was a good thing as not everyone could fit in Jason and Alanna’s house. It was a very nice event. Cupcakes were very tasty also.

Quit jumping and come and give me another hotdog!!!!

I have made friends with Jetsam. She knows how to play hide and seek properly. She hides, I seek and if I can’t find her, she does come out and give me a hard time. No, really, we are friends. We often share the couch.

On May the 4, Jason’s Birthday, arrived with snow on the ground. Leduc was without power for four hours but we didn’t receive nearly that much. We did have a little bit of a thunderstorm the day before: I didn’t like that and made my opinions known very vocally.

We went to Leduc on Wednesday and managed to find a pet store that supplies my pet food so I am set. I do, however, really enjoy the cat food. You know the door to the basement - I do fit into it but I must admit that it was not a comfortable fit. I only did it the once as I was having a magnificent chase with Cooper and I felt that it must not stop due to a small problem like a door.

I hope this will fill you in on my adventures. More will follow.

Your faithful friend


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