Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maphew’s Year in the Country

I love living in the Country

May 10, 2010

Well, we have just come back from a very exciting walk. The day started out like any other. The sun was shining and the wind was actually not blowing too hard. Tia, Zeus, Gerda and I went out to the back hayfield. I was even keeping up nicely. Gerda decided to cut across the field to the hedgerow of trees that line the edge of the field. I naturally followed by taking the long way around when I spied something moving in the longer grass by the poplars. I took off running, as it was still a distance away. I then proceeded to follow the trail by using my nose. It does a very fine job of finding things, you know. Well, I caught up to the animal. I have never seen anything like it. It was roundish and had many pointy bits. I was just going to get really close to take an even better look when I heard Gerda telling me to stop: in no uncertain terms. I immediately stopped advancing. The animal then lumbered off into the trees. Gerda would not let me chase it. She did explain that the animal was a porcupine and it has a dangerous method of protecting itself. All those little sticks stuck to it could have ended up in my mouth. I can say that Gerda sounded a little bit frightened when she yelled at me but you both taught me well and I do obey. Tia and Zeus did not see the animal at all, so it was my lucky day.

May 12, 2010

I had a wonderful day. Gerda was outside all day long so I could investigate everywhere. I discovered that the squirrel I watch from the kitchen door is actually real and I can chase him through the woods. I disappeared into the underbrush and waited: just like the hunter, I am. I managed to get close to him a couple of times but he does have the slight advantage of being able to ascend to the treetops. The wood behind the house are very crispy and full of neat sounds and smells. The leaves provided Gerda with a tracking device. She told me, I was audible throughout the entire adventure. I was out of sight and so it felt like a proper experience. I even discovered my way through the thicket and emerged from an entirely different location. I was totally covered with bark, leaves and lichen. I looked a sight. The leaves just fell off.

I walked with Gerda in another pasture. The owner is doing some cat work so we investigated to see what was going on. Still no clue as to the plans for the quarter but it was a nice walk as the big dogs had gone for a walk with Larry.

Better watch out I'm going to find you

May 18, 2010

I had to go to work twice this week. This is neither a problem nor a hardship as the owners; Dick and Janet have adopted me and readily feed me ICE CREAM. It was wonderful, delicious and of so cooling.

May 21, 2010

The grandchildren had an extended sleepover. I enjoyed it but I must say I am glad they have gone home. The weather did not cooperate so we had to stay indoors for the largest part of the visit. Alaura is now using me as a pillow: well maybe for just a little while. I have gotten used to the general rumbustious nature of the two. One day Jacob ran a race around the living room dining room and kitchen for a good ten minutes. I did keep up with my janitorial duties. Alaura and Jacob are not possessing of the grandest of table manners. On Friday, we picked up Hendrika from the bus depot. As the car would have been very full, I elected to stay home and be the welcoming committee. I was very glad to see her but she did look a little tired.

I'm a big boy, I can walk all by myself

We had a nice Victoria Day weekend. The weather was all over the place but it settled down on Monday, of course. The house was full with everyone indulging in brunch. In the afternoon, we planted flowers, moved pots and transplanted others. Jacob and I helped Larry for most of the afternoon. Larry is repairing his horse trailer. Jacob got to help take off wood and rust from the metal. I supervised the entire operation.

Later, we went for a short walk with Alaura, Gerda, Tia and Zeus. Alaura rode in the noisy blue car, pushed by Gerda. The highway was not busy for a nice change of pace.

Hendrika stayed until the 26 of May. We dropped her off in Camrose as Wendee and Rene offered to pick her up. Wendee is having surgery, nothing serious, on Thursday in Calgary. Wendee and Rene were 45 minutes late, but that was due to road construction and a very long train that they had to wait for - twice.

Laurence, I recognized your voice on the telephone when you said goodbye. I could not get up fast enough; I was napping on the mat by the French doors. I did want to talk to you. Maybe next time.

June 2, 2010

Well, the snow disappeared and the grass is now a lovely shade of green. Most of it is so bright that it almost hurts your eyes. It is also much easier to walk through. The pasture is now lush with growth and walks no longer require me to take the long way round. I have seen and avoided a coyote. I also tried to jump out of the car to chase a small deer. Fortunately, for the fawn, the car window was rolled up so I came to a rather abrupt stop. I did startle it back into the field. Did you know that I must now jump like a deer to walk through the long grass? I feel a little put out as Gerda occasionally laughs at the sight. I am starting to disappear into the undergrowth. Luckily, the dog tags made a sweet little jingle that alerts everyone to my presence. I think I lost one, the small rectangular one. Gerda has given me another with her name and phone number as yours is inactive.

We are busy finally planting the bedding out plants today. Frost warnings were issued for May 31 - a little late in the year but what can you do. Luckily, only the pots were covered up and not the entire flowerbed.

I'll track you down

Gerda is getting excited about the trip. Sarah has started a countdown on her mobile phone. Sam finally paid for his tickets and so is really coming.

Anna Lisa has arranged to pick me up on the Reunion Weekend- July 23 - 25- as Gerda will be in Bluffton and she and Dave will be in Rimbey. Could not work out any better. To return, well, we have not figured that out yet.

As the weather has been rather miserable, the store did not have the ice cream machine running on Monday. What a bummer.

June 6

Please tell Etienne that I am thinking of her. I hope that you are avoiding the problem spots in Athens.

The Fields are amazing

The days continue with walks, car rides and many snacks. The squirrel keeps me entertained, as the French door is a wonderful window located at the correct height for a small dog such as myself. The teeny tiny mosquitoes are out with a vengeance. They don‘t bother me to much but have taken a great liking to Gerda. Her arms as covered with raised bumps.

A few days ago, Gerda was painting the new doghouse, when Zeus got in the way. He now has a great big red spot of paint on his rump. Zeus would not allow Gerda to clean him up so now it just has to grow out. It does look a little silly.

Leo and I are now great friends. He does try to sleep with me all the time but I find that it gets a little warm to sleep so close together so I usually move to the floor until I cool off. Cooper still runs but not as fast and the note of panic seem to be subsiding. I can pass her on the stairs to the basement and she remains seated.

Alaura is now taking small steps on her own. I do not know if that is a good thing or not. She crawls rather quickly so I am hoping that the walking will be slow for the time being.

June 12
I am so excited! I have become a tracker. I was walking with Gerda through a wooded area and I caught the slightest whiff of the most exotic scent I have ever known. I dashed into the tall grass and followed my nose. I think that I upset Gerda a little as she was calling my name for about 15 minutes but the aroma led me on. I finally found out what was making that lovely scent. It was a deer!!!! I gave chase but the graceful creature has much longer legs than I do. We ran through the tall grass and then through a thicket. The deer ran right out at Gerda so she and I were reunited much to her relief.

June 17

The grandchildren had another sleepover. Alaura is now walking more often. She does crawl if she deems speed to be necessary much to the cats dismay. I am enjoying them more each time we visit. They are starting to treat me with the respect I deserve.

The grass is now becoming a problem as we have had a fair amount of rain. The grass is now over the heads of the large dogs so I can not see very far when we travel through the hay field. I am hoping that the first cut of the hay will start any day. Even Gerda is starting to follow tracks and trails through the grass.

I know you gave me a lecture on eating horse shit, but it is so tasty!!!!!

June 19
Gerda and I went for another solo walk. We do see much more wildlife when the larger dogs elect to stay home. This time I startled a grouse from the long grass. I feel I can find anything in those woods. The bird flew low for a long stretch but I could not catch up. I think it was protecting it’s young but I did not find a nest or nestlings.

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