Saturday, June 26, 2010

Island of Spetses

So after a return overnight stay in Athens we ventured off to the Island of Spetses about 200 kilometres northwest of Athens in the Mediterranean Sea. We were meeting up with Etienne’s mother and niece who were staying with her uncle on the island and to experience a quaint small Greek island. I was all excited hoping we were going to relive the Momma Mia movie.

Village of Spetses

So on our journey to the island we attempted to catch the metro but in true Greek style it only went to the one station, so we scrambled and caught a Taksi (taxi in Greek) to the port of Piraeus were we caught a hydrofoil to the island. So after a two hour trip on what is basically a bus on the water we arrived in Spetses.

The Old Port of Spetses

The ships in the Old Harbour

Spetses is a very small island with a population of less than 4000 permanent inhabitants and has a no car rule, so the island is serviced by walking, taxi (6 on the island) one bus, scooters or horse and buggy. This makes for a very relaxing place and a great place to just stroll the streets, and hit the many restaurants and of course eat Greek.

Getting intimate with Mermaid

We had a few great days catching up with family and just enjoying the slow pace of the island and the very friendly people of Spetses. One day we hiked over to the old port with it’s old shipyard, statue park and lighthouse. It was in fact at this park where Laurence got to get intimate with a mermaid. Spetses truly is a unique little Greek island, but I never did hear any ABBA.

That is one Salty Boob

After a few relaxing days on the island we needed to return to the mainland to ensure Steph (Etienne’s niece) could catch her plane home. And again in true Greek fashion the morning we were departing the staff of the Hydrofoil we on strike for the day. So after some scrambling at the pier we got a cab for the three ladies and the luggage and Laurence and I set out on a journey of several busses and a boat to make our way home to Athens by land. So after only 8 hours of many types of transport and travelling through goat herds and every small town in Greece we made it home, a day to remember.

The Village of Spetses

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