Friday, October 22, 2010

East Coast to Brisbane

Beach @ Sawtell

So after playing tour guide with family and friends, and just resting in our second home town of Sydney it was time for Laurence and I to move on again. So this time we rented a car and headed north along the east coast of Australia to visit some of our favourite spots from previous trips down under and to explore some new towns along this scenic coast.

We headed up the Pacific Highway which hugs the amazing coastline along the Pacific Ocean. Here we toured through several small towns and cities along the way as well as stopped at some of the countless beaches along the way. We made a pit stop at one of our favourite small towns of Sawtell, with its dramatic beach and quaint city centre. As well as Port Macquarie at the mouth of the Hastings River and Coffs Harbour which is home to the big banana.

The Big Banana @ Coffs Harbour

On a journey north we stayed a few days in one of our favourite spots in all of Australia the town of Byron Bay. This town with its wonderful beaches and scenic coastline is home to the alternative crowd reminiscent of the 1960s hippy culture. So in amongst the dreadlocks and “dirty hair” people is a unique Australian experience with both the hemp culture, high end tourism and your average Joe all enjoying the same environment. It was a lot fun both during the day taking in an alternative spa in Mulimbimby and laying on the beach and in the evening enjoying several live performances by a wide variety of local talent.

Bryon Bay view of beach from lighthouse

From there we ventured back to Surfers Paradise and stayed in a fantastic apartment (the deal of the century) for a few days and just lived like total locals. Everyday consisted of long walks on the seven miles of endless beach, great dining, running every day and Laurence even started to paint again (art work). We could really get use to this if only Maphew was here.

Flower on the Beach

From there we spent a few days in the City of Brisbane taking in the highlights of this capital city of Queensland. This city of just over 2 million people is a unique blend of modern and traditional Australian architecture; it reminds me a lot of Calgary, just with palm trees. Here we explored the city centre as well as the South Bank area with its galleries and parkland. We of course took in the Art Galleries in the city and even took in a Valentino show at the Gallery of Modern Art. And of course we had some fun in the restaurant and bar district of Fortitude Valley and played with the locals.

Sculpture on Brisbane Street

Brisbane City Hall

Downtown views of Brisbane

Valentino Show, I loved the entrance to the show

After Brisbane we journeyed home back to Sydney stopping in the agricultural town of Lismore and stopping to photograph the natural bridge near the hippy town of Nimbin. And then making our final stop at the most amazing sand dunes of Hawks Nest, where Laurence and I were truly the only two people on the beach and climbing the dunes.

Natural Bridge

The east coast north of Sydney has so many great sites and towns and every time I explore this area I learn to love it even more.

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